Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Diversity at The National Basketball Association Essay
The National Basketball Association is the most popular professional basketball league in North America; it is also the most popular professional basketball league in the world. The National Basketball Association (NBA) is one of the most diverse businesses in the world, which was the deliberate plan of former NBA commissioner David Stern. The NBA was once an all white and male dominated league, now through years of an aggressive effort to diversify the organization the NBA is now one of the shining beacons for diversity, tolerance and acceptance in the workplace. Former NBA commissioner David Stern spearheaded and put into action on the best examples of creating and cultivation opportunities for success based on merit. â€Å"When David Stern†¦show more content†¦(Vecsey, G.) The next minority to sign an NBA contract was Harold Hunter in 1950; he did not make the final cut for Washington Capitols. (NBA Pioneer) Several other players of color did make the final roster that session and went on to playing in the NBA. Today the NBA is a melting pot of players from across the global. The league now has 30 franchised teams one of which is located outside of the United States (The Toronto Raptors are located in Toronto, Canada). They have successfully started and mentored a woman’s-only basketball league called the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA). The league now has a large number of minority (non-white) players on rosters around the league. The NBA players are one of the most diverse groups in the NBA organization. â€Å"For the 2012-2013 season, 81.1 percent of the NBA’s payers were people of color, decreasing by 0.8 percent from 2011-2012. The percentage of African-American players in the league was 76.3 percent, a decrease of 1.8 percent from the previous season. Latino players increased from 3.2 percent in 2011-2012 to 4.4 percent in 2012-2013. Both Asian players and players categorized as other races each remained at 0.2 percent of all layers. The percentage of white NBA players was 19 percent, an increase of 0.8 percent from the recorded 18.2 in 2011-2012. International players comprised 18.7 percent of the NBA’s players duringShow MoreRelated Fair Play In The NBA: A Modest Proposal Essay1009 Words  | 5 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Fair Play in the NBA: A Modest Proposal nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As surprising as it may be to those who are not themselves fans of the National Basketball Association, Anglo-Americans are vastly outnumbered by other ethnicities. In fact, African-Americans hold a majority of positions, command higher average salaries, and receive more attention for their accomplishments in the media. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Hollywood Films And The Civil Rights Movement Essay
Contemporary American movies reflect on racial issues in American history and strive to present the latter as a negative experience of the nation. In this respect, Hollywood is a leading film studio that shoots films about racism prior to the Civil Rights Movement and after it. Both the manner in which most black characters are portrayed in Hollywood films and ideas conveyed by the latter suggest that Hollywood’s approach to racism is ultimately negative. However, Hollywood films shot in more recent times and Hollywood’s attitude to non-white actors speak about the film studios’ hypocritical approach to racism, as Hollywood’s activities indirectly promote racist ideologies spreading in the US film industry. Hollywood’s hypocritical approach to racism is proved by movie characters’ whitening, the white default option, the Oscars’ whitewashing, and films’ racist depiction of other races. Yet, in the second half of the 20th century when the Civil Rights Movement worked on the white majority’s reconsideration of racist perception of the black population, Hollywood shot films that vividly advocated for the end of racial prejudices in the US society. For example, Norman Jewison’s In the Heat of the Night is the 1967 movie that narrates the story of Virgil Tibbs, a black detective from Pennsylvania, who faces racial prejudices of the police colleagues in Sparta, Mississippi. In particular, Police Chief Bill Gillespie wants to arrest Virgil Tibbs to pin the murder of PhillipShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Blaxploitation Films : A New Step For The Hollywood Film Industry From 1968 Till1623 Words  | 7 Pagesconceptual incongruity in Blaxploitation films concerning the shaping and portrayal of the female character exemplified in the works of Pam Grier. A new step for the Hollywood film industry from 1968 till nowadays is the creation of the MPAA film rating system. Ever since the erasure of the production code of the Classic Hollywood era, and filmmakers’ realisation that they do not need the seal of approval, it has become possible to show or tell anything on screen. Film genres like horror for examples thrivedRead MoreThe Black And White Cultures1298 Words  | 6 Pagesnot â€Å"A list thespians or Emmy award winning talent†in white Hollywood like it is currently. Thus, for broadness, to get a real link with the aspects of Blacks in Hollywood sixty years ago, we have to get in depth with reasonable detail. Michael Roemer’s, film Nothing but Man, embarks on a true masterpiece that seizes the rage of African Americans mindfulness in the robust intolerance and prejudice in the rural south. At the time this film was produced and filmed there were numerous factors that eradicatedRead MoreAmerica s Social Climate : The Melting Pot1680 Words  | 7 Pageshas enlightened my view of conditions and how films discreetly reinforce the stereotypes and class structures to maintain a particular ideology. For this reason, I chose to view the movie The Help because it is considered to promote the ideology of empowering black women during the tumultuous and dangerous 1960s civil rights movement in a volatile Jackson, Mississippi. While the movie delivers a powerful and intriguing theme, the reality is that Hollywood has yet again provided the Eurocentric viewRead MoreRace As A Social Construct1057 Words  | 5 Pagesracial category. Shadism and Racism are both a large part in Hollywood and the casting process. There has been a recent concentration online on institutional racism in Hollywood; social media movements have brought attention towards, the casting process and the lack of diversity at the Oscars. The persistent snubbing of people of colour (POC) in Hollywood is being recognised. However, has this changed the representation of POC in films? The upcoming biography, drama, Nina (2016) has been the centreRead MoreEvolution Of Racist Portrayals Of Film And Television1644 Words  | 7 Pages Prof. Eye. EN 101B November 27, 2014 Evolution of Racist Portrayals in Film and Television. The most common, if not one of the most common methods the morals and perceptions of American society are shaped is through our own storytellers in Hollywood. Filmmakers, writers, and producers for both cinema and television make it their career to create works that tell a compelling story. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Work in a Business Enviornment Free Essays
UNIT 203:Work in a business Enviornment. 203. 1:Understand how to respect other people at work. We will write a custom essay sample on Work in a Business Enviornment or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1. 1 Describe what is meant by diversity and why it should be valued? It is about valuing variety and individual differences and creating a culture, environment and practices which respect and value differences for the benefit of society, organisations and individuals. A diverse workforce is important because the organisation can offer a wider range of resources, skills, ideas and energy to the business, providing a competitive edge. Organisations who embrace diversity will reap the benefits of resourcing from a wider pool of talent, broaden their market, improve productivity and raise their profile in the community. 1. 2Describe how to treat other people in a way that is sensitive to their needs 1. One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself 2. One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated. Keeping the above as a thumb of rule we can treat other people in a way that is sensitive to their needs. . 3 Describe how to treat other people in a way that respects their abilities, background, values, customs and beliefs . Every individual’s needs have to be taken into account and respected when sorting out disagreements. Also we need to listen to people’s needs and support them through and that way they will feel valued. Different people will have different standards and levels of understanding, so we need to use the appropriate language and respect confiden tiality 1. Describe ways in which it is possible to learn from others at work. Different people follow different strategies to solve difficult situations. So, it is good to take that opportunity to learn from co-workers and sharpen the skills. Pay attention to see how your colleagues act and react,ask for demonstration ,guidance from the experienced hands and developing strong networks of relationships to be successful. 203. 2: Understand how to maintain security and confidentiality at work and deal with concerns. 2. Outline the purpose and benefits of maintaining security and confidentiality at work Information / Data security means protecting all the data and information from unauthorised access.. Information security is a business requirement and also a legal requirement. There would be highly sensitive informations at the workplace which should be held secured and confidential. Confidentiality maintenance also relates to professionalism of the organisation. So employees must mak e sure they maintain a professional attitude and not share / disclose any sensitive information without authorisation from the organisation. . 2 Outline requirements for security and confidentiality in an organisation. Confidentiality and information security are the key aspects for an organisation. All information have to be original and true, and should be free from any errors. An organisation has to be ready at all times to give access to the systems that store, process and deliver information to the right people at the right time. All companies have and should have their own policies and procedures regarding security and confidentiality. 2. Outline legal requirements for security and confidentiality as required Every organisation should be careful of how they handle and respect data that passes through their hands. Data Protection Act 1998;Human Rights Act 1998;Common Law of Confidentiality gives us a clear picture of the legal requirement and the best practices for confidential ity and security within an organization. For confidential handling of material share only what is essential and alert them to the company guidance ;Think before taking the information out of the office i. e. via memory stick or paper. If information has to be released ensure that it is only as much as is required for the purpose required and that the recipient is aware of their responsibilities with regard to the information being received; Ensure safe disposal of data material; Inform senior staff if you have any concerns regarding security or confidentiality. For security within an organization Access Rights to Data: Limited to admin support and directors only. Only directors or other authorised staff can transport data. Network Protection: make sure you have all computers have fire walls and antivirus protection. Data carrying devices: Make sure that USB memory stick and external hard drive are all encrypted. 2. 4 Describe procedures for dealing with concerns about security and confidentiality in an organisation. Every employee should be made aware of the rules and regulations of the organisation. Following are the procedures to be followed for dealing with concerns about security and confidentiality in an organisation. 1) Identify potential problems 2) Identify potential loss due to each problem 3) Determine possible preventative measures 203. 3: Understand the purpose and procedures for keeping waste to a minimum in a business environment. . 1 Explain the purpose of keeping waste to a minimum It is important to keep waste to a minimum in the work place. The more you waste, the more money it is going to cost the company. Companies have procedures like recycling which helps to keep your workplace tidy whilst saving money 3. 2 Describe the main causes of waste that may occur in a business envi ronment When leaving the room or office, one has to make sure that lights that are no longer in use should be switched off, Most of the time we tend to forget about them and leave them on, thereby causing more expenses for the organisation and destroying the ecosystem. . 3 Describe ways of keeping waste to a minimum. As our organization is much related to electronics, the lion portion of waste composed of electronic waste which cannot be easily disposed off. but the organistion had a perfect knowledge and knowhow in minimizing waste. A specialised parts harvesting and component level repair teams working rigorously everyday to keep the waste minimum under the non renewable category. 3. 4 Identify ways of using technology to reduce waste All machines have a period within which it has to be serviced and certified as good enough to be used. When these checks are performed regularly on a schedule the equipments run longer and therefore it minimises the chances of buying new machines before the life time of the machine already in hand. This saves money for the organisation. Maintaining the machines also helps consume less power, and less expenses on repairing and replacement of parts. 3. 5 Outline the purpose and benefits of recycling Recycling helps resource conservation of energies (renewable and non-renewable), solid waste reduction thereby conserving the ecosystem, environmental protection e. g trees and other living things and also helps ith the social and economic development. Recycling †¢Saves the Earth †¢Saves Energy †¢Helps reduce Global Warming and Pollution †¢Reduces Waste Products in Landfills saving the earth and ecosystem †¢Helps you Save Money. 3. 6 Describe organisational procedures for recycling materials Our organization maintains the procedures for recycling strictly to do the b usiness in eco friendly ambience. As a part of it waste bins located at different locations and helps to sort the renewable waste. And a specialised parts harvesting and component level repair teams working rigorously everyday to keep the waste minimum under the non renewable category. How to cite Work in a Business Enviornment, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Computers in Sports free essay sample
Computers in Games and Sports Practically everybody has played sports video games on a computer. It’s fun to pick a team and see how well you can play against a â€Å"virtual†rival. However, the uses for computers in various games and sports go far beyond video games. If you ask a cricket bowler how he throws a ball, he may not be able to tell you. He may say it’s just â€Å"instinct. †It’s something that comes naturally to him. The fact is that there are ways to help bowlers become better bowlers and batsmen become better hitters.And computers are important in making this happen. Cricket players from the major leagues down to city and school teams can now have their batting and pitching analyzed. First, the player’s movements are videotaped. Then, these videotaped images are transferred into a computer. Special application software analyzes the images. It measures the exact angle at which the player is holding his arms and legs. The speed and efficiency of each body movement is measured. This process is called motion analysis. One pitch can be compared with another.This can be useful because the bowler can see how changes in movement affect the result (such as how fast a ball travels). Some systems can even measure pitching and hitting motions during an actual game. This allows coaches to give immediate feedback to players. These computer applications also can be used to compare the movements of two different players. These comparisons, for example, can help explain why different players tend to hit the ball in different directions. There are also computer applications that help coaches keep track of exactly where each ball crosses the pitch.A radar gun can be attached to the computer to measure a pitch’s speed. This information is stored in the computer so that the bowler and coach can study it later. While motion analysis applications are important tools, it still takes a good coach to know how to interpret the results. The coach must look at the information the application provides and then use it to help the player improve. Everybody knows how important statistics (or stats) are in sports. How many games has your favourite batsman played this year? Which player on the Kolkata Knight Riders has the best batting average?The quantity of statistics used in sports is enormous. Without computers, it would be very difficult to keep these statistics up-to-date. Not only are there team statistics, but there are also statistics on each individual player. For example, statistics on an individual cricket player might include times at bat, batting average, and number of runs scored b him. Spreadsheet applications are often used to keep track of statistics. Spreadsheet applications are computer programs that can store and manipulate numbers. For example, they can find the average of a list of twenty numbers. Even small league teams often use spreadsheet applications to keep track of player statistics. Going to a cricket stadium is almost like going to the circus. There are hotdogs, popcorn, and a scoreboard complete with a gigantic TV-like screen. Stadiums, such as the Eden Gardens Kolkata, have very complex scoreboards. The new scoreboard is 56 feet tall and 180 feet wide. It includes a giant screen to add to the excitement. The best-known type of giant screen is the Sony Jumbotron. The pictures on these screens move from the players to the crowd.They show cartoons of the team’s mascot. They may display the words to â€Å"Time Is Up†so that everybody can join in the singing. These scoreboards and giant screens are controlled by an entire group of computers. Each computer supplies the scoreboard with different information. One computer might keep track of statistics on particular players, while another might contain commercial advertisements. These giant screens can even be used for educational purposes. In 2000, the University of Tennessee’s athletics and physics departments joined together to create a group of 60-second videos.These videos were shown on the school’s Jumbotron during home games. The purpose of the videos was to teach fans about the science of football. This was a fun way to join together sports and education. Athletes who depend on speed to win will stop at nothing to reduce their times. Some Olympic swimmers wear full-body â€Å"skinsuits†so they can glide through the water more easily. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise to hear that they use computer applications to improve their speeds. At the U. S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado, coaches use a computer application to develop perfect swimming strokes.This simulation software attempts to copy the way water flows around parts of the swimmer’s body, such as the arms and hands. The swimmer’s goal is to move through the water as smoothly as possible. Water turbulence can slow a swimmer down. The application allows the user to change the positions of the swimmer’s hands and arms. The user can then see how these changes affect the amount of water turbulence. This information is used to design the best swimming stroke. Coaches can then teach swimmers to use this stroke to obtain their greatest speed. Simulation software has also been used to design racing yachts.It can help in determining how to shape the yacht’s hull so that it moves through the water with the least amount of resistance. Computers have many other uses at the Olympics. At the 2010 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah, tiny computer chips were used to track skiers. A chip was strapped to each skier’s ankle. Electronic devices were buried in the snow along the track. When a skier passed over one of the devices, his or his chip sent information to the device. This information included the skier’s location, speed, and number. This information was sent to a central computer. Judges and other Olympic officials could then look at it.Do you want to know if the Kolkata Knight Riders have a home game on July 14? Or who the Sri Lanka is playing next Wednesday? Just go to their Web site. Professional, college, and even some high school sports teams have their own WEB SITES. The information available on sports teams’ Web sites is amazing. Some of it includes: †¢ Schedules. Game dates and locations are available. †¢ Statistics. Up-to-the-minute information on teams and individual players is ready whenever you want it. †¢ Team News. Web sites contain coach and player interviews, information on injuries, and so forth.
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